New Study On The Use Of Common Drugs On Our Microbiome

A recent study presented at European Gastroenterology week looked at common drugs and their impact on the microbiome. They found that the drug categories with the biggest impact were Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI), Metformin (used for Type 2 DM), Antibiotics, and Laxatives. The gut microbiome of PPI users showed increased abundance of upper gastrointestinal tract bacteria and increased fatty acid production, while metformin users had higher levels of the potentially harmful bacteria Escherichia coli (E. coli). 

They also found that the use of certain antidepressants (called SSRIs) by those with IBS was associated with an abundance of the potentially harmful bacteria species, Eubacterium ramulus. The use of oral steroids was associated with high levels of methanogenic bacteria which has been associated with obesity and an increase in BMI.

As with any study, this is one study. However; we do know that prescription medications and over-the-counter medications can have an impact on our gut microbiome. So, what do we do if we take these medications? Don’t stop! Have a conversation with your doctor about the long term implications of some of these medications. We often don’t have control over what our bodies do, so many times these medications are necessary for survival and/or quality of life. 

This research is not to scare you, but to inform you in case you may be at risk. Plenty of individuals take these medications with no issues. Again, speak with your doctor if you have any concerns or questions about the medications you are currently taking. 


Native Bread

Native Bread Storefront is open! They now make their bread in a gluten-free kitchen. The address is 9546 Allisonville Road, Suite 106, Indianapolis.  Enjoy! 



Do you live too far away or is it hard to get away during the day? I now have a Telehealth platform that is HIPPA compliant. If you are interested in having a nutrition consult or follow-up this way please let me know.





GI Nutrition Help Group 

I have a few clients that really like the GI Nutrition Help Group. In order for me to keep it going, I consistently need more people available to make it. If you are interesting in coming, but haven’t been able to make it, please let me know. 


Private Facebook Page

I have a private Facebook page for my clients. In order to be a part of it you need to let me know, so I can invite you. I would love for more to be on there and start some dialogue.